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Stewardship Message

Stewards of Our Relationship with One Another

No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve God and wealth. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. � Matthew 6:24, 21

The Rev. Dr. Richard D. Weiss observes that being stewards in the household of God is intensely counter-cultural in significant ways. We live in a society where we are taught explicitly and implicitly that to be truly human is to be self-sufficient, independent, protective, competitive, acquisitive, accumulative, a consumer. If you pay money, you should get something. There is no limit to the satisfaction of our desires. Our spirit is nourished and our worth is measured by what we possess.

What are the marks of this counter-culture, the Household of God? We are interdependent and collaborative � we need each other, others need us. We share surplus so each has enough. In order for all to live, each limits accumulation. Money is just another resource to be allocated to ensure shalom. Our spirit is nourished by living up to whom God made us to be. Our worth is given by God. Churches have a unique ministry opportunity to liberate members to order their financial life according to their faith values.

Laura Dunham wisely notes in Graceful Living: �Every choice we make to spend, save, or give has an impact, creating a ripple effect. How each of us decides to live matters.�

A message from Stewards in the Household of God: a Resource for Holistic Year-round Stewardship available from United Church of Christ Resources.

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