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Youth Sunday Sermons
by Chelsey and Tina

So exactly what is a community? We have been talking it about several times through out the service so why is it important anyway? What�s the ��big deal?�� Well when I looked up the definition of community at dictionary.com it said, ��A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.�� And when I saw this all I could think of was great, how am I going to write an entire sermon on this? But after a while I got thinking about what I thought a community was and started to believe that Dictionary.com needs to add more to their definition. By only saying that a community is a group of people then it would be very easy to build and define. You could say Ok the two firsts pews on the right side and the two last pews on the left side get together, there you guys go, you�re now a community. But are you really a community just because you�re all together in the same area, or does it take more than that to form a community?

Now there are several smaller communities in one large community but we all have one common goal. And that is to make things work and be effective for the betterment of society. I can�t think of too many of you who would actually want our town and our world to fall apart. And if you do there might be something wrong. Now each community small or large requires some sort of balance. We as a church are a community. And we are balanced out doing the different jobs and positions in the church. If everyone was a minister such as Rev Dave and Rev Alice, who would pay the bills for the heat in the church so we all don�t freeze during the service, who would type up the bulletins or teach Sunday school? The schools are also communities within themselves, and they as well have different roles - some people teach English while others science, some coordinate all the school runs and others deal with all the paperwork. So take pride in what you do to help with community and do the best you possibly can. God arranged the members in the body, each one of them as he chose. If all were a single member where would the body be? So basically saying that if each member of the body wasn�