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To Do, To Dream, To Do

Isaiah 65: 17-25
John 6:25-35
November 18, 2007
25th Sunday after Pentecost
Stewardship and Thanksgiving Sunday

      Do you remember the dreams you have at night? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. When I was in seminary I took a course on parapsychology and theology that was taught by a dream psychologist, a visiting professor from Harvard. One of the first things he asked us to do was to write down what our dreams were about for a week. Well with that assignment I couldn't remember one dream. I was frustrated with myself and felt left out of some of the conversation about dreams and how we can interpret dreams. Harman Bro, our professor, felt that often God spoke to us through our dreams. And here I was not remembering my dreams and wondering what message from God I was missing that week when I had a dream block. Today I want us to think about dreams � dreams we may have when we are sleeping or awake, what we do with some of those dream