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Led by the Blind

John 9:1-41
March 9, 2008
First Congregational (UCC), Waterville
Rev. Dr. David E. Anderman

Events and observations of our world can drive us to ask questions that push us in the direction of questioning God, questioning the nature of God, and even questioning the existence of God.

Bart Ehrman is a scholar of religion at the University of North Carolina, sometimes described as a theologian, who recently published a book about losing his faith, God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question. I heard an interview with him on NPR's Fresh Air program a few weeks ago. By the way, he was baptized in a Congregational church, was raised Episcopalian, and attended Moody Bible Institute, a bastion of evangelical Christianity. But in spite of his extensive background and grounding in the Christian church, he lost his faith.

�If there is an all-powerful and loving God in this world, why is there so much excruciating pain and unspeakabl